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    RaspberryPi device that ran PiHole, which had default credentials. Once foothold was obtained, root was a simple sudo -l.
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    Eventually landed upon finding SQLi on /room.php?cod=, so we dump databases with sqlmap. Foothold is a simple phpMyAdmin credential login, then a phpMyAdmin 4.8.0 exploit to gain a shell. Root was obtained from exploiting root.service.
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    Boolean-based SQL injection, which gives access to a database, then we authenticated file fuzz leading to bypassing .htaccess in apache which gives RCE. Once foothold from RCE was obtained, we pivot as mark, find a local hosted web server, and exploit npm to root.
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    Windows machine first exploited with SQLi, getting admin to a website. Then there is a hidden file, which gives me execution to foothold. Eventually I extracted Firefox passwords, used Bloodhound to find out more about what we were looking at, and got a LAPS password to gain root.
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    Discovered SQLi to then enumerate the database, authenticate as admin, realize it is vulnerable to some sort of max character length exploit, pivoting from www-data to moshe, then yossi, and finally root.